Study of Horse and Human Interactions


In addition to our mobile assessment service we also are active in Equine Kinetics Research and product review. Some upcoming studies include pressure assesement and comparison of halters (rope/nylon/leather/dually), riding postures, cinches, girths, and saddle pads. An ongoing project is building the first and only equine industry saddle tree database to help match horses back profiles to the most appropriate saddle tree. Exciting stuff!


Supporting Information

The media has covered a variety of different aspects of saddle fitting. Check back soon for links to more information


ThermalSaddle Thermalabscess

Thermal Imaging

Any chance we can we are collecting data on horse related injuries and issues. In our research we don't intentionally cause injuries or issues, but instead collect data when an issues arrises. Thermal imaging has proved to be helpful in identifying hot spots, saddle sores, hoof abscesses, poorly fitted saddles, and blanket rubs. This technology can be most helpful when trying to locate areas of increased heat, friction, or swelling that the human eye or touch may not sense.


TEKSaddleFit TEKscreen

Pressure Sensor

We use a specially designed saddle pad that has an intricate sensor system in place that can measure the amount of pressure being applied. It is a dynamic reading that shows real time data in a 2D or 3D model. As the pressure changes so will the data! You can see how saddle position or riders position can increase or decrease pressure. All data can than be stored for future reference. This is an incredibly helpful tool when buying a saddle, determining reasons for a difficult or unwilling horse, and working on a riders balance in the saddle.


Contact Us

Tashunka, LLC.
25634 NE 80th Street
Redmond, WA, 98053 US
P: 206.799.5466

